Saturday, November 17, 2012


Wow, I havent been here for a while!
I am just processing the weeks in China, it takes some time to take it all in.
And what an experience it has been, seen so many things, the making of ceramics is quite different from how we do it here.
lots of little commercial potteries in and around JINDEZHEN, but hardly anybody makes there pieces from beginning to end, they all have there own specialty so a piece is made by many hands.

  This is a mold maker.
One of the many streets near our residency with little pottery workshops. 
Pots drying in the sun, a mornings work

decorated vases, ready to go to the communal kiln.


Wyn Vogel said...

Wonderful Mieke - love the raw pots waiting to go in the kiln!!

Barry said...

M-good to see you are back. So many magic memories you have. Go well. B

Jo Murray said...

A fascinating trip indeed Mieke.

Kim Schoenberger said...

It must have been a great exerience Mieke, interesting to see one person to one technique. I would love the communal kiln concept :-)