Saturday, December 29, 2012


After being away for some time now I think I am ready to start again!
I tried out some new ideas and hope to dive into it in the new year!
So, here are some samples to start with that is, in the domestic ware.

For my hand building I am going to go, not really big because my kiln is not huge so it has to fit in there of course!


Penny said...

Oh Mieke I love the middle photo and the bowl on the right, just gorgeous. Have productive 2013.

Jo Murray said...

Is that inlay Mieke? They are just beautiful.

Kim Schoenberger said...

Very nice Mieke. I look forward in seeing them in the flesh!

Noela Mills said...

Love these, Mieke - especially the addition of 'shards' of 'Chinese' pots XXX

Barry said...

M- must be good to be back into creating after your trip away. Wishing you happiness and creativity for 2013. B