Saturday, May 28, 2011


I have gone trough my pottery photo's and found these images, some pieces I did 6 years ago.
I'm glad I take photo's of the pieces I make, which takes time and effort to do but great reference for later.
One forget sometimes the things we made!

It's good to go over all these photo's and remember...
and sometimes it gets the inspiration going again, as I hope I will get on my trip and come back refreshed and ready to start.
This is  the winning piece I made for the Kenilworth Art Festival.


Jo Murray said...

A lovely piece Mieke, well worth the prize. You've captured such emotion in these figures. Have a wonderful trip.

Barry said...

M-hauntingly beautiful piece - may you enjoy your trip and be both relaxed and inspired. B

Caterina Giglio said...

I can see why... so expressive and lovely...