Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I made the wreath out of rusty old wire.

I have started a bit earlier with the Christmas decorations this year, must be because  the last of the  kids have flown the nest, and I must have some more time up my sleeve!
Catching up on all the things that needed done but had to wait for some reason and it feels good!
Not much claywork done for the last 4 weeks and start to feel itchy to get back to it, got my list done for what I want to make and it is growing so after Christmas I hopefully have lots of time do do it all!


Barry said...

M-love the rusted coil. Go well and enjoy the Christmas period. B

Jo Murray said...

Gorgeous Christmas decorations Mieke. Have a good one.

Kim Schoenberger said...

very creative Christmas decorations Mieke! They look beautiful, hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

Gaby Bee said...

Beautiful Christmas decoration, Mieke!
Wishing you a warm and wonderful Christmas and an amazing new year to come.

Gaby xo