Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Letter A Week- ALAW

This is my fourth ABC.

 A letter a week 2011, a project that began in 2010 and is primarily about having fun, experimenting and having a regular, small project to focus on each week.

The aim is simply to write/create a letter a week.

I took photo's of tools and parts in the toolshed and other objects that looked like the letters I needed.

 A-a couple of files, B-2 D shackles, C- a little part of a iron door mat, D- was easy, a D shackle.
 E- a pitch fork, F- 2 bolts and nuts, G- a bicycle chain, H- The legs of a stool.
 I- a big nail,  J- a curly tail of a ornamental chicken, K-some clay things I made, L- an aks.
 M- handle of old shearing shears, N-old cotton reels, O- rolled vine, P-a hose clamp
 Q-rolled vine, R- handle of an oil jug, S- a S hook, T-a hammer
 U-another vine twined, V- 2 tall chook necks, W-the shearers handle upside down, X- chair legs.
Y- a part of a rubber door mat, Z- 2 Japanese brushes and a cotton reel.



Barry said...

M-a brilliant piece of work; love how you have brought it all together. B

Jo Murray said...

Well done Mieke... they look great.

Fiona Dempster said...

A fabulous finish Mieke!